Samuel Rozenfeld Virtual Tour Experience at the FRICK

I think I would rate the experience overall as a 7/10 at the virtual FRICK. The resolution of the 360 view is great and the ability to highlight any art piece such as a painting, candle, or chair is a clear sign of quality and effort on the part of the organizers and programmers of this virtual tour. However, the experience takes a bit of a fall when it opens a new tab every time that you would like go to a different room or look at a specific art piece in the room that you are in. It quickly becomes disorganized if you don’t close the previous tab immediately. One optimization that I would recommend is having the next room open up in the same tab, so if you ever wanted to travel back you can just click the door where you came from instead of looking for the correct tab. Another optimization would be having the picture that you click on appear as a little pop up in the window that blurs out the museum behind it, essentially like an instagram post with a caption on the side. Beyond that, the 360 degree view and the ability to travel between rooms and highlight paintings in the room is super cool and as a concept works well even through the somewhat poor execution. Although the museum was dominated by biblical paintings and portraits, my favorite paintings were the ones portraying events, architecture, landmarks, and general scenery. Overall I give this experience a nonahedron out of a dodecahedron.

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