The Met Virtual Tour, Savanna Filip

     I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the virtual tour was definitely a unique experience. I started off with The Met 360° Project, which is a series of videos taken around the museum using 360° technology. The videos did a really great job of making you feel like you were actually standing in the museum, being able to look around where ever you wanted. The music playing in the background was very calm and serene which was really pleasant to listen to during the tour. I think my favorite part of this project would have to be the Arms and Armor Galleries. The music that played during the video included the sounds of horses galloping and swords clashing. At one point you also hear the sound of cannon fire. I was able to imagine those images in my head and simultaneously look at the galleries which was really unique and cool.
     After viewing the 360° Project, I went over to the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. I selected the 1900 A.D – Present time period. With such a vast collection of artwork, I took a specific approach to view the art. Since I don’t consider myself to have detailed knowledge in the department of art, I decided to choose pieces that reminded me of any personal experiences or memories that I’ve had. Taking this approach definitely made the experience more enjoyable since I don’t know how to truly appreciate most art. Even though I don’t go to museums or look at visual art often, I found that choosing the ten art pieces was a great experience.

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