Guest Speaker: Jenny

It was very interesting to listen to Jenny’s story and how she developed her passion in poetry. I was surprised when she said that she was originally an engineer and switched her major to the creative arts. It takes a lot of bravery to pursue your passion in a field that is uncertain. Engineering, more or less, lends itself to a stable career path, while the creative arts are always uncertain in that aspect. I really loved that Jenny was able to use her poetry and perform in front of people because storytelling is one of my favorite art forms. As we (controversially) discussed in class, art only becomes art when you share it with other people.  I was really glad to see a Macaulay grad ‘make it’ as a real artist by taking her passion and sharing it at live performances. Jenny answered a few of my questions about how artists make money and about writing poetry books/getting gigs. I think it was reassuring to hear that ‘you can be a creative person and also be into science and math’, as often times people divide themselves into ‘creative but broke’ or ‘boring but rich’ with the two fields.

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