My Thoughts on Jenny

As someone who writes poetry for entertainment as well as “self therapy”, I loved hearing about how someone else turned their talent into a paying job. I firmly believe that you should love what you do and do what you love, and hearing Jenny talk about how poetry not only shaped her life but also landed her a career in fascinating. I also really loved hearing her poem that she read to us, and I could feel the power and emotion behind every word. It is clear that she puts not only thought and work into her poetry and writing, but also puts a bit of herself in each piece so that it can be read in a way that is unique to her. That is what art is in many ways, a way of putting your mark on your work and creations.

Jenny was passionate, charismatic, and real. Her poem was thought provoking and heartfelt, and she seems to be extremely talented. She is confident about her writing abilities and draws her inspiration from her life and surroundings. I really enjoyed her visit and I hope to learn more about poetry and other art forms from the perspective of artists.

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