A New View On Poetry

If you asked me what I believed about poetry before I heard Jenny Pisani share, I would have said “its just another form of writing”. But Jenny opened my eyes to the reality: what I used to think about poetry couldn’t be further from the truth! It was especially true when Jenny shared one of her own poems. You really saw how the words she wrote on paper became a live performance, though her emphasis on certain words, to her facial expressions, and to the way she spoke. Jenny touched on this before performing but I didn’t really believe it until I saw it. It was almost like I was the audience at the open-mics she talked so much about. Speaking of open-mics, it was inspiring to hear how Jenny chased after her passion. Like how she searched for available open mics, and when she couldn’t find any she started her own. If that doesn’t show someone is passionate for something I don’t know what does. Overall, just like how creating my gallery changed my views on art you can see, Jenny changed my views on poetry (which I know now can be auditory). I realized that poetry, when performed, is almost like being at a concert… minus the instruments.

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