Jenny Pisani

Before listening to and engaging with Jenny Pisani, I had a very typical view of poetry. I believed that poetry was something written by dead people whose works became famous. Of course I knew that people continue to write poetry but, having never met a poet before, it was like the unicorn of arts and literature to me. It was intriguing to see how Ms. Pisani was able to use poetry in her life, as a career. Listening to her was rather inspiring. She abandoned her previous career choice of engineering, to eventually pursue writing and poetry. She went against the notion that writing poetry isn’t a “real job”. She admitted that though she doesn’t make much money, if any, she continues to write because she loves her job. This passion was shown in the piece she read to us in the meeting. Jenny personifies the idea that if you love your job, it isn’t a job at all. I hope to have such a passion for whatever my future occupation may be. I’m sure there are millions of people who would love to have her kind of passion for their work.

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