The Eye Opening Words of Jenny Pisani

I loved that we had the opportunity to speak with Jenny Pisani. When she was talking about her life, I have to admit, I was a little envious. I want to follow a route similar to hers, but I don’t have the guts to do it. Her life as a poet and the fact that she followed her dreams are admirable.  For a while now,  I have the dream (that I try to keep very far in the back of my mind) of working in the fashion industry. I’m scared about not being successful or not making enough money. However, I love turning scraps of materials and squares of fabric into something beautiful and wearable. My dad is totally okay with me following a career in fashion, but my mom refuses to allow me to. She says I must be a doctor, lawyer, surgeon, etc., and that the arts are something I should I never pursue. For a while, I have been stuck on what my heart and head are telling me to do. My head is saying to make my mom proud. She has done so much for me ever since I was born, and I wouldn’t be myself today if not for her. However, my heart is telling me to work in the fashion industry because, in this life,  I only have one to live.

Meeting Jenny Pisani was an eye opener. She talked about how she started becoming bigger and bigger in popularity, and that a career in the arts is not impossible. Her words have opened my mind to new possibilities, and opened a new door for me. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll follow the route of my heart.

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