Our Eye-Opening Guest: Jenny Pisani

Out of all art forms, poetry has to be my least favorite. I’m not sure why it is, maybe due to the lack of exposure from a young age, or my preference for more visual arts, poetry never spoke to me. However, after Jenny Pisani spoke to us, my opinion on poetry became more positive. My favorite part of her presentation was when she read one of her poems to us. The entire poem stuck with me because it was so universal and timeless. Jenny said she wrote that poem a year ago and often times goes back to it for comfort. And honestly, it was very comforting to me as well.  One of my favorite parts of Jenny’s poem was when she said that we need to be thankful for living, no matter how hard life can get. With all of the current events, this is truly something we need to remember. Life is very fragile and you never know what can happen in a day, which is something that matters all the time, good times and bad. Overall, Jenny’s presentation changed my view on poetry and after listening to her, I am beginning to appreciate poetry a lot more.

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