Poetry Guest Speaker,Jenny Pisani

I truly enjoyed Jenny Pisani’s visit, because her view on art was so refreshing. First of all, simply hearing from a person that has transformed their art into a career is inspiring. There are so many negative stereotypes about art not being a sufficient profession, that you will not receive a good quality of life by choosing to pursue an artistic career. Jenny acknowledges that being a creative person is a scary thing because it is not always a clear path, but so is every other career. She mentions that nothing is certain or guaranteed, which is not a radical idea at all, it is simply the truth. So why is there so much more pressure and negativity placed on artists trying to pursue their passion? I personally have felt and continuously feel this stress and fear since I still pursue dance to this day. I love to dance, I would not train so vigorously if I didn’t, yet the possible career path that can come from it is consistently put on the back burner. Jenny in a way inspired me through her words and experiences because she is an example of someone who used their creative mind and creative skills to go after the career they desired.

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