Gabby’s Neighborhood Walk

This mural is just a few blocks away from my house on one of the most well known roads in South Queens. This mural is called “Selassie Mountain” and is right outside of a health food emporium (which makes some great veggie patties!). I think this mural really encompasses my neighborhood as a whole. My neighborhood predominately Caribbean and it is not uncommon to see Rastafarians around. In fact, the owner of the health emporium is a Rasta himself! Even though I am not a Rasta, this mural is especially powerful to me. On the left, Halie Selassie is seen, and he was one of the last emperors of Ethiopia. Before the the end of the monarchy, the Ethiopian Royal Family was the oldest royal family in the world. To me, as a black person in such a prestigious position of power is very powerful to me. Oftentimes, we  never hear about these stories because Black history as a whole, whether it be Caribbean, African-American, or African is overlooked. And this mural being so prevalent in my neighborhood shows me that this part of history will never be forgotten.

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