Neighborhood Art

This mural can be found on the side of Chris Williams Eyeworks on Victory Boulevard. I do not know the name of the artist, but he did tag the mural along with the website This piece speaks to me for the same reason it believe it represents my community. The mural depicts a set of eyes with colored beams that contain images that have meaning within our community. The red portion has an image of the gazebo at the local Westerleigh Park. This gazebo is widely known throughout my local community. The orange has an image of the stone bridge in Clove Lakes Park, which is easily recognizable by the people in the community. The green portion contains an image of the Staten Island Ferry, which needs no explanation. The blue is a depiction of the Verrazano Bridge, which links Staten Island to other parts of the city. Finally, the purple has an image of the eyeworks building for which this mural was made. On the bottom of the mural, there is a picture of Staten Island with a white star that pinpoints the location of the mural. I think it is here for two reasons. One reason is that the artist wanted to promote the business as well as thanking it for whatever purpose he may have had. The second reason is that the artist wanted to show support and show pride in his community.

One thought on “Neighborhood Art

  1. This is a cool piece. I know I have driven right by it and not given it my attention. I will have to take a closer look. Do you think Berger would consider it publicity or art?

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