Neighborhood Art Find

I found this piece of art in Jennifer’s Playground. The park isn’t too far from my house and I used to go there a lot with my friends as a child and this is the first thing you can see once you enter the park. This piece spoke to me not only because it has nostalgia attached to it, but it’s a good blend of form and function. These structures are actually sprinklers, with water spraying inward from the ring pieces, and downward from the tree-like pipes. It makes an effort to look welcoming to children and spark their imaginations by mimicking the look of plants.

It might also be worth noting that Jennifer’s Playground was particularly designed for children with disabilities who might be bound to wheel-chairs. Other parts of the playground are fitted with ramps. Here, the sprinklers, particularly the ring-shaped ones, might have been spaced out widely enough to allow children in wheel-chairs to be pushed through (although I’m not sure how water resistant most chairs are).

One thought on “Neighborhood Art Find

  1. It’s fantastic when you can “play” with the art. It is also interesting to think that many of those children will grow up thinking “art is not for me,” when they have been interacting with it from the time they where small children.

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