Sara’s Neighborhood Art


I was strolling through my neighborhood when I saw this small sculpture of a lion. The artwork did not speak to me because I didn’t really see any meaning behind it. The sculpture was just put there as  decoration for the outside of a building so I didn’t feel any connection to it or have any reaction. I think it represents my neighborhood slightly because my neighborhood is always very decorated for holidays and this decoration reminded me of that. This artwork also reminded me of how art really is everywhere. I pass by this sculpture all the time and I never thought about how close I was to an art piece until today. It may not be considered true art to everyone but it made me realize how there are so many pieces of art that surround us everyday.

One thought on “Sara’s Neighborhood Art

  1. It is true we are surrounded by art that we often overlook. I also think you can find bits of personal expression in many things. It is interesting to consider why the owner placed it there, was it to show off wealth, is the person an animal lover etc.

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