Jenny West Guest Speaker Blog

        During Friday’s class, another influential, talented guest speaker named Jenny West was presented to us. She is a talented woman, who like last week’s speaker, displayed how a career in the arts rather than STEM can be used to support yourself and provide self-fulfillment. Jenny pushed the idea of using emotion and feelings to express yourself through art, rather than just relying on the examples set by others. One thing that really stuck out to me was her technique of “blind contouring”, which involved drawing an object or image based on touch, without looking at the canvas. Jenny incorporated this technique in her recent series of paintings that she was able to focus on during the Coronavirus quarantine. In addition, she displayed her talents in crocheting as well, not just painting. I enjoyed how old shirts were reused to make small rugs, instead of simply being thrown away or forgotten. After showing this to us, Jenny was asked a thoughtful question that she was able to turn into valuable life advice. When posed the question, “what would you consider art?”, she defined it as anything that allows you to express yourself in a unique way that you were never able to before. Jenny illustrated that working with the arts allows you to meet people of different backgrounds and skill sets, while also allowing you to incorporate your other hobbies and interests, due to the flexibility of the field. Additionally, I liked how she made it evident that there is always room for improvement in any job, especially as an artist. New techniques and forms of expression are always available to be experimented with. Overall, Jenny truly showed what it means to be passionate about your career, life, and interests.

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