Jennie West’s Helpful Advice

Meeting Jennie West was a great experience. I liked how the two guests we’ve had so far, Jenny and Jennie, both had different stories and advice to tell us. Jennie was very real with us. She told us that if we wanted to actually pursue a career in the arts, we have to question ourselves first about whether we’re suited for that career. Having a passion to create art is one thing, but having the mentality to deal with the faults and failures of an art career is a whole other ballpark. As well, Jennie mentioned how art is not going to be a truly reliable source of income, so you have to make sure you have something reliable on the side. I feel like I already knew that, but to know that she’s doing that and is quite comfortable, is inspiring. She can spend time on her art yet make a stable income to support herself. 

Additionally, I found Jennie’s art to be very interesting. I thought it was cool that she does blind contour, which is where she keeps her eyes closed and just paints away. It’s something that I would never attempt to do. As well, I liked how she made a collection of changing successful male artists to women. For the longest time, I’ve found it very important to fight for equal rights between genders, races, religions, sexualities, etc. Jennie’s collection adds to that fight for equality between genders and uplifts women. I would love to actually see the collection.

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