Jennie West Blog

Jennie West was certainly an interesting person to meet, being a multiple form artist using an interesting technique. It was cool to hear about how they used things they learned from music and added it to painting, The fact that their technique didn’t include vision was amazing, I could never imagine trying to draw anything beyond a single line with my eyes closed and it not look terrible. It was also interesting that despite using a blind technique their work was very colorful. I also appreciated that they spoke about the realism of a career in art and that it likely won’t be a self sustaining job. I think pushing people to indulge their passion is important, but also to be realistic and convey that you’ll need a stable job to support said passion. I didn’t quite understand their art and what they saw in it when they were talking about it, but it looked nice. Even without understanding really it was an enjoyable experience to meet them and I look forward to the next guest.

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