My thoughts on Jenny West

My initial thoughts on Jenny West was that she was going to be a very good artist with her own unique way of art. And oh boy was I right. Something stuck out with me when I heard her speak about her art and about herself as well. When she was talking about her own art work and describing what the shapes look like and what the painting might resemble, I thought back to when I was a 5-year-old child showing my mom my scribbles and how amazed she was. Now, my mom was a fantastic artist herself placing in many reputable drawing competitions, but she always said to me that I should keep on going and keep doing more drawings like that. As a normal 5-year-old child would do, I listen to her and kept making abstract drawings with random scribbles, and soon enough instead of just daydreaming and doing whatever, I started to make scribbles look like faces and actions. I found it rather amusing to see her explain her paintings to us because it felt like a dose of nostalgia hit me real quick. Jenny West herself was a very calm and nice person and I already knew she knows what she is doing. I feel like if I ever continued the drawings I did as a young kid who didn’t know what he was doing, I was be inspired even more by what West was doing with her career.

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