Guest Speaker Christopher LoPorto

I thought that Christopher LoPorto was another great guest speaker. Much like the previous guest speakers, I was still interested in what the speaker had to say, despite the fact that I am not too interested in the actual art they are discussing. Not to say that I don’t like music, but I don’t often go out of my way to listen to bands and stuff. Despite my lack of connection to the subject material, I was still able to be engaged thanks to Christopher’s  passion for his work. I could tell that he was very invested in his work and it was extremely important to him. I also liked when we engaged in a discussion about what his favorite aspect of his work was. There is a lot of stuff associated with managing a band, from the business side of it, coordinating deals and setting up events, there is the performance aspect of it, actually performing in front of people and engaging with an audience, and there is the art aspect to it, involving the actual writing and creation of the music being performed, developing the messages behind it and making it sound pleasing. I thought that talking about these different aspects of managing the band was super interesting. Another thing that I have appreciated is the fact that all of the different guest speakers who have come have spoken about some different aspect of art. I feel like if we talked about the same type of art every week it would get boring, but I like that we mix things up. Overall, I thought that Christopher was a welcome addition to the seminar, and I thought that his presence in the seminar added a lot and was definitely worth it.

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