A Visit From Chris LoPorto

Music is a very important thing in my life. Whether driving, working, or just relaxing, I always have music playing. When I listened to Chris’s music for the first time, I got flashbacks to my days in middle school and my underclassman years of high school. I had never heard Chris’s music before, but his music is like the heavy rock I used to listen to years ago. Rock has a special place in my heart, and as I listened to his stuff, I wondered who his main inspirations were. When he answered, he said one of his main inspirations was Slipknot, everything made sense. Slipknot was one of my favorite bands in middle school, and I could definitely hear the Slipknot influence. I also loved it when he mentioned his favorite song he wrote and how he often time goes back to it. I do this myself when it comes to music, and there are many songs that I listen to for comfort. I also learned from him how difficult and multi-faceted the music industry can be. As a casual fan of many musical artists, I only know of what is said by artists about their craft. I really never knew about how much that goes on behind the scenes other than recording music, and a little bit about how music videos are made. I always thought musicians had 100% say in how their music video is going to look and feel. But, I learned from Chris that is not the case. He often said during his visit that the creative side with music the music videos are not his work, but of his other bandmates and other outside creatives. I was so surprised to learn this, and it made me wonder if this is true for some of my other favorite musicians as well. All in all, Chris’s visit was very eye-opening, and it allowed me to see the music industry from a different perspective.

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