
We were visited by Rich, a street artist from New York. Recently due to COVID-19, Rich made a move to Pennsylvania. This move has proven to be shocking to him in many ways because of the huge difference in street art between New York and Pennsylvania (more specifically, the lack of street art in his new city). What he was once able to do at 3 AM in New York with his friends in the subway stations without getting into much trouble or being singled out for, Rich could now find himself in the paper or being sent to jail for. when Rich was starting out with street art, he would do door graffiti with one of his friends from Brooklyn, Reeves (excuse spelling I’m not sure if that is correct). Rich joined a group called the God Squad, whose mark was painted on wooden crosses and appeared in almost every picture Rich showed us. Rich also has a poetry book called Dog City which features Reeves art on the cover. He told us about the time he and Reeves were almost caught by the cops while in the subway, and how dangerous the work was. He made it sound like a secret mission, and in many ways it was because what they were doing was, and still is, illegal. However, it is how these artist make their mark on the world, even though it can get them into big trouble. New York has always been a restless city, and knowing that street art happens behind the scenes and underground (literally and figuratively) gives a different light to the nightlife of New York City.

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