Meeting Rich

Rich is a man of many talents, being a musician, a poet, and a visual artist. On Friday, his focus was street art. Hearing his story was very interesting because you don’t hear about street art much in the mainstream and it gave me greater insight into that world. One of the things he discussed was the difference between street art and graffiti. Rich said graffiti is more about trying to tag as many areas around the city as possible while street art focuses less on trying to tag a large number of places and more on expressing one’s self. When many people hear about street art they don’t always see how it is an art form, but from listening to Rich I got to see the creativity and personal expression that goes into making street art. Rich also brought up some stories of helping his friend, Revs, do street art and the danger that could come with it. For example, hearing about the time he and Revs were inside a subway station and almost got caught by subway officials in the middle of working was very funny, especially with how quickly Revs was ready to go back in and risk it all over again. I also found it interesting when Rich brought up how Revs never wanted to profit off his work. We’ve mainly focused on people making art their main career and using it to support themselves but not on how someone can be an artist without trying to make it a source of financial stability. Overall, hearing about Rich’s views on street art and his many stories about it was very informative and entertaining.

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