Guest Speaker Rich

This week’s guest speaker was Rich and I really enjoyed his stories and experiences. I’ve always heard and seen some of the ways graffiti would be depicted in media, whether that be news or tv, but being able to hear a first person account on the experience of being a graffiti artist was cool. Rich’s stories about the underground train tunnels was especially cool because I really like to explore so being in one of those place could be really cool. However, his close run-in with the cops in those tunnels was really scary considering the possible repercussions. His stories with the artist REVS was also really cool, and I especially loved the idea of putting one page of his story in a different spot in the tunnels. The notion that the art was there for the other artists and not just for anyone, and also that it was spread out like a scavenger hunt was also an amazing idea. It is a shame however that they got caught just a couple pages from completion. It is also crazy to think that if they did a page a night that it would have taken them the majority of a year to complete that project. Another story that I found amazing was that they were the most wanted by the vandal unit for about a week. Overall, I found his stories super exciting, and loved the different uses they had for their graffiti.

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