Rich and Revs

If you didn’t know before, now you do: street art is dangerous business. Hearing Rich talk, I was amazed at how far people will go just to make art. Street/graffiti artists will evade the cops to have their voices heard or art appreciated. One question I have now is why risk the trouble of being arrested to make art? Why not make art at home? Is running from the cops fun? Another thing, I never thought of art being so competitive. I realized this when Rich talked about how people draw over other people’s art, being territorial or literary just because. About Revs, he is a creative person, making art, writing his biography one page at a time in each tunnel. But I feel like that talent was almost wasted. Rich did say he wanted the biography to be for people who are in the tunnels, but not many people are in the tunnels. It got me thinking, obviously he knew not many people will see it, but why not? Doesn’t Revs want his work to be seen by many?

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