Rich Stremme Blog

Out of all the guests we’ve had so far, Rich Stremme was my favorite. His background and stories were captivating. I appreciated the “do it yourself” mindset he explained. As the lead singer of 2 punk bands, he made his own records and did independent tours.  However, the most interesting parts of Rich’s story were related to his experience in street art. He explained that the appeal of street art is that, unlike in all other forms of art, the audience is completely filtered. Anyone could see the art, and the artist has no control over it. I loved Rich’s story of the time he helped his friend Revs write an autobiography in the underground train tunnels. It was incredibly interesting hearing about Rich and Revs pretending to be MTA workers, working on the autobiography, escaping the police, and going back to continue the work. I also enjoyed his story about nailing over 150 wooden “God Squad” crosses on street signs and never getting caught. Overall, Rich is an excellent example of a bold artist who cares more about the art itself than for the audience viewing it and the legality of the work. I have a lot of respect for him based on his bravery, creativity, and experience. Hearing his story was both interesting and inspiring.

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