Geoffrey Doig-Marx

Geoffrey Doig-Marx is a painter and choreographer. Geoffrey opened by telling us about his paintings that were hanging in a bar that was closed down due to violation of Covid-19 guidelines. Due to this, his paintings were taken down and he has not gotten them back. However, he expressed not too much sadness over the potential loss of these paintings. It is not because he does not care for them at all, or anything similar to that. He reasoned that if the paintings were in storage, that was fine. If they were taken by someone and were now hanging in that person’s house, that was it even better. He wanted his art to be hung, because he feels the purpose of art is to make others happy and inspired. That is why he has offered paintings to friends for free or for low costs when they fall in love with a piece of his work but cannot afford the. he has offered free classes from time to time for dancing. He also mentioned that he has OCD when it comes to dancing, so he hated performing because it was something new every night. He did point that this is also the very reason that many people love performing. He put an emphasis on the point that as long as you want to do something, you should get used to hearing people say you can’t and never listen to them.

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