Rent: The Movie

Set in the 1990s, Rent follows the lives of a group of aspiring artists in New York City.  The film’s overarching themes include poverty, romance, HIV/AIDS, homosexuality, freedom of expression and loose social restrictions all of which is depicted in  the struggle of these artists as they protest the social norm and live in the present. Representing bohemian life, they choose their art and freedom of expression over financial stability.

While watching this film, it quickly became apparent the parallels between these young artists’ journey and Robert and Patti in Just Kids. Similar to Robert and Patti, these artists move to NYC leaving their family behind due to their artistic aspirations. Additionally, similar to Robert and Sam, in Rent, Mimi, Angel and Roger have been diagnosed with HIV which is something that they constantly struggle with. In the end, like Sam and Robert, Angel would pass away from AIDS as well. Drugs and eccentric clothing is also a recurrent theme in both the film and novel.  Further, similar to Patti and Robert going their separate ways, the group separates following the death of Angel, but would later regroup while trying to find Mimi.

Mark’s struggle with his video production was also very significant. After the protest footage was publicized, he was capable of securing a $3,000 deal in order to produce more documentaries. While he now had a source of income to provide for himself, he quickly realized that the films he was now creating was quite different from his passion and that money didn’t remedy that. Embodying the bohemian identity, Mark decides to follow his true passion and create the film which is  titled Today 4 U, depicting the happiness of his friends while following their lives. His struggle represents a common one for many artists, financial stability vs. freedom of expression/art.

After reading multiple books, listening to different guest artists, and watching Rent- the struggle these artists undergo in order to continue their passion alongside having financial stability is heavily emphasized and enables one to appreciate the work they do. It also highlights that if one desires to have a future in the Arts, they must be dedicated to achieving their goal and as guest speaker Mr. Doig-Marx emphasized not paying attention to everyone who will tell you that you can’t do it because you can and that is the most vital message!


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