Rent is different. But not the good different.

I am going, to be honest, I never enjoyed musicals and when I was watching Rent I didn’t expect much coming out from it. It started off with two friends, Mark and Roger, who hadn’t paid their rent in a year, along with the whole block. I thought that this was going to be a whole movie about being a rebel, but wow did it really take a turn. The next thing I knew Collins was attacked trying to get into Mark and Roger’s apartment room, then a gay man named Angel helps Mark get to safety and helps him recover. After that, everyone was enjoying life and that’s where I realized that this movie wasn’t making any sense. I didn’t really get the plot until the very end when Angel died from AIDS and Mimi was “dying” from AIDS. The only plot I could think of was how people were affected when their electricity goes out and now they have to live with a disease that’s incurable, and even that was confusing. Also, The protest with Marueen leading the charge was a very interesting development. First off, Marueen was definitely on something. The way she was acting up and doing the weird things on stage in front of hundreds of people shows how insane she was. Second, when she started the “moo” chant, many people started joining in to mock the government by calling them cows. Then there was an outbreak of violence, which was caused by Collins. Third, Mark filming was really annoying. I’m sorry, but him filming every second of the film was really disturbing in my opinion. One scene showed Mark filming two police officers harassing an old homeless woman to get off the streets, and when the officers left the woman got up and criticized him for filming her because he is a supposed “artist”. I completely agreed with the woman because who actually just goes on the street, witnesses police brutality, and proceeds to film it? Like really? this isn’t the late 2010’s. Personally, I hate it when someone records an incident instead of stepping in and doing something. In conclusion, I really disliked the film, at the end of the film we witnessed Mimi die and then come back to life saying how Angel sent her back and said it was her time. On the plus side, the songs did lighten up the mood a bit, but the cons outweigh the pros by a ton. This movie was meant for people who related to the film, and I felt no connection to this film whatsoever. In fact, I think the reasonable one in the film was Benny. He tried to normalize and enhance the neighborhood everyone lived in, but they all refused.

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