Rent is Real

I don’t usually praise musicals, I always found them cheesy. But Rent is different. While listening to the second song, the one about rent and being evicted, I thought to myself “Ugh, we just finished a song and there’s already another one!” But when I started to actually listen to what they were saying, I immediately loved the song. Because it highlighted … It reminded me of an essay I had to write up in high school weighing the pros and cons of eminent domain. And it wasn’t until listening to this song that I actually saw the severity of the cons. One of these cons were that eminent domain targeted poor or minority communities. Which we see in Rent. The music studio planning to be built is in an area where already struggling citizens are now being evicted. A random thing, I also noticed that Angel said he had AIDS and it reminded me of a brief conversation we had in class about why homosexuals had AIDS. If I remember correctly it was because it was considered a ‘gay disease’. But overall Rent was really good, which is a better rating than I had expected going into it.

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