Rent Opinion

Rent was not a movie I would typically watch, it wasn’t super funny or an action movie. I’m not a huge fan of musicals personally, but it wasn’t a bad movie. The characters were interesting, even if their development was predictable. Each of their struggles was showcased well and individually as to not block each other out.  They also each had their own struggle, which gave the movie broader meaning as opposed to just focusing on one social issue for its entirety.  The songs themselves were pretty good, though they mixed oddly with the generally sad tone of the movie. Every time there was a harsh moment it would be contrasted with a high energy upbeat sounding song. I’m sure there was supposed to be meaning behind that, but I think I would’ve preferred more depressing songs mixed in. My favorite character was probably Roger and his relationship with Mimi. This is partly because it felt like it had the most showcased growth throughout the movie and ended happily. I’m sure if I was more into musicals I would’ve really enjoyed it, but with my current preferences, I don’t think I’d rewatch it.

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