Geoffrey Doig Marx Blog

Geoffrey was a really interesting artist to meet, because he went into art with the intention of being a choreographer and not a performer. I find this interesting because a lot of artists want to go into a craft with the aspiration of being the best at it and mastering it. Geoffrey however found it more appealing to create dances rather than perform them. He said that he liked the order of being behind the scenes of the dances, and not having to be there to cover for something that goes wrong on stage, which is completely understandable. I guess this could also be related to people who want to become teachers of a certain subject as opposed to researchers in that field. I also found it interesting when he talked about his transition to painting and how he felt about selling certain pieces. His mentality on the way he monetized art as well as when he chose to sell something compared to when he held back was also really cool to hear because I think it is something that a lot of artists could follow. People pay him what they think the art is worth, and that is something that is very valuable.

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