Meeting Geoffrey Doig-Moix

Geoffrey Doig-Moix is a dancer, choreographer and visual artist. I really liked listening to Geoffrey’s story because his path showed that determination pays off. He discussed how many times in his life people had told him he wouldn’t be able to achieve his dreams and by believing in himself he was able to prove them wrong. He has had many accomplishments throughout his life such as working as a concert dancer, a choreographer, owning a dance studio, and creating his own awards ceremony. His passion for his work was evident and he gave great advice for those who are considering a career in the arts. I was also very interested by Geoffrey’s path to becoming a visual artist. I feel like a lot of visual artists have been interested in it their whole lives but Geoffrey got into art randomly because he wanted to paint something in his house. I really liked his artwork and loved the technique he used. It also reminded me of something that I notice often which is that many artists are gifted in multiple art forms. Additionally, I found it very heartwarming how a lot of the joy Geoffrey got from selling a piece of art was not only because he was getting paid but because he knew someone else liked his art. Overall, I really enjoyed meeting Geoffrey and hearing how he got to where he is today. He was very encouraging and reminded us all that as long as you put in the work you can accomplish your dreams. 

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