
The movie “Rent” is about a group of artists in New Yorker that struggle with their careers, love lives and the AIDS epidemic in their community. This movie definitely aligns with the category of a struggling artist that we previously discussed in class. It shows exactly what a struggling artist in NYC does, namely fighting homelessness, exploring sexuality, supporting activist movements, and using drugs. My first impression upon watching this movie is that the gang and Patti Smith would have been best friends due to their shared love of suffering for the sake of art. Singing in the movie was on point and it only added to the overall theme of being ‘artsy’. Of course, I did find the movie to be bland and not that great of a story. The characters weren’t interesting and for the most part, unlikeable. Some of the relationships in the movie were toxic and hard to look at without massively cringing. My biggest grievance was with the plot. The movie ended and I still don’t know where exactly they were going with the story. I left the movie with negative IQ, further understanding of how much artists like to suffer, and I would not watch it again.

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