Thoughts on Rent

When I first heard about watching the movie Rent I was excited as I am an avid musical theatre fan and Rent is a very well-known show. However, as I watched the movie I realized my expectations were a little too high. I felt since the main cast is pretty big it was hard to get a proper backstory for all of them. At the same time,  I thought it was nice to have a big main cast because we were able to delve into many different storylines. I got to see the relationship between the friend group as a whole as well as the relationships that were forming between the friends and how it affected their lives.   I also felt that the plot was weak in some areas because it is a movie adaptation of a broadway show and not just a recording of a broadway show so some things didn’t translate over well. Despite these issues I still thought Rent was a relatively good movie. It highlighted a lot of important struggles concerning addiction, AIDS, class, and sexuality. It also had a very diverse cast and with characters of all backgrounds which is very important because many musicals have little to no diversity. I also really liked the songs in the show especially one of the most well-known ones, Seasons of Love. Overall, while I wouldn’t say Rent is an amazing movie it sheds light on important issues that weren’t really talked about (at the time of the musicals creation) and has some very catchy songs. Also, despite issues with the movie I think it is great to have movie adaptations of broadway shows because it makes broadway more accessible and can introduce new fans to the genre. 

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