Amanda Hick, please come again!

I think I can say without doubt that Amanda Hick is my favorite guest that we have had the pleasure of meeting so far. Amanda is very lively and entertaining, to listen to and to watch. She mentioned how her stage name, Zory, is her mother’s maiden name, which she chose because she thought it was better suited for the stage than Hick. Amanda taught us more history than I learned in most of middle school. She taught us everything form Baroque to Mozart to Strauss. I especially liked that fact that Mozart made art for the common folk, and I never knew he “liked to party” before today. She also showed us an amazing clip of herself singing opera in her role as Lady Macbeth. It was amazing because her every emotion was expressed through intense facial expressions, so even when I couldn’t understand what was being said, I understood the story. In the final moments, it was clear to me that she was contemplating murder and imagining holding a knife in her hand, although nothing was there. She is so completely in love with opera that it makes me want to watch one. I will definitely be looking for her YouTube in the near future.

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