Thoughts on Amanda Hick

Of all the guests we have had so far, Amanda Hick was certainly the most informative. I learned a lot about the nature and history of opera from her, and it was very interesting to directly hear from a legitimate opera singer. About 2 years ago, I saw a production of “Rigoletto” at the Metropolitan Opera House, and it completely changed my perspective on opera. I enjoyed the performance immensely, and I was amazed by the vocal projections of the singers. Then, listening to Amanda and seeing her clips of singers such as Pavarotti (my personal favorite opera singer) only improved my understanding and solidified my enjoyment of opera. I enjoyed her thorough explanation of opera’s entire history, and I was also interested in the story of her own past and her own experiences in opera. Overall, she was an excellent guest, and she confirmed that I want to see an opera as soon as the pandemic is over.

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