Thoughts on Amanda

Amanda’s visit definitely had a different form than most of the visits we have had so far. That being said, I am not necessarily opposed to it. I thought that she was another really fantastic speaker. Throughout Amanda’s entire presentation, I could tell that she was extremely passionate about opera. I also feel like the format that she chose to do her guest visit in actually worked really well. Most of the previous speakers would sort of just talk about whatever it is they had to talk about, which is completely fine and also worked well. In Amanda’s presentation, she decided to make a big shift and have videos to show us and she made points about the video and it really felt more like a presentation. Personally, I really liked this new format. I felt like that I really learned a lot from this style of presentation. I thought that it was an unorthodox way of doing it, but I still really liked it. I also liked how clearly passionate Amanda was about opera. She really seemed to love what she was doing, and I could tell that she really wanted to inform everyone about something she was super passionate about. Personally, I’m not super into opera, but I was still able to remain extremely engaged in what was going on because of how clearly passionate Amanda was about what she was doing. Overall, I felt like Amanda was another really excellent guest speaker.

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