Amanda Hick

Amanda Hick was a very fun and interesting guest. Opera is an art that I have been somewhat intrigued by, but never took the opportunity to learn about it. She taught us about the different eras of opera by having us listen to pieces from that period. One example of these periods is the Baroque period. This era of opera included dramatic stories told through dramatic singing and various different kinds of techniques. She also gave us some insight into how performers prepare for their roles, in terms of learning the language and physical preparation. One of the most interesting parts, as always, was how she answered the question of how monetizing art impacts the art itself. She explained how money is needed to continue her art. For example, renting out venues to perform. Unlike the other artists that have visited us, her art required her to have a place and people to perform for. Her passion for her art was inspiring, the same way it was with Geoffrey. You could feel how she feels about her art by the way she talked about it and how she presented us with the pieces she showed us. Opera is often seen as a boring play that wealthy people attend. However, Amanda showed us that opera can be for anyone.

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