Andi’s Plague Playlist

Mr Blue Sky (

Mr Blue Sky is, as I interpret it, about a British fellow who is thrilled that it finally stopped raining and he can now go out and see the sky. I feel that this is adequately symbolic of 2020, but instead of rain we have plague and pestilence.

Pomp and Circumstance(

Technically, I graduated this year, so I feel that this song is relevant to my life this year.

Hawaiian Cocktail(

This is that sad depressing song they use in Spongebob. I feel like it is appropriate to this year.

Country Roads(

This specific cover was made for a videogame centered around nuclear armageddon . We aren’t anywhere near there currently, but we got close enough to complete societal collapse that the song is appropriate. The videogame isn’t even any good tbh.

Livin’ on a Prayer(

I would argue that we are at least half way there, in terms of this crisis being over, so this song applies.

Kahoot Music(

The music from Kahoot can be extremely stressful. So can this year, so I have included a 10 hour version.

Tarantella Napoletana(

This one literally only applies to me, but I went on a field trip with my school to Italy and Greece like two weeks before the world shut down, so I have included generic Italian music.

Star Spangled Banner Recorder Cover(

America has been in a state of absolute anemic crisis for the past year. I feel like this recorder cover of the Star Spangled Banner adequately symbolizes this.

I’m Still Standing(

Sometimes I’m surprised society is still standing at this point. Regardless, I feel this song adequately describes society still existing.

The Final Countdown(

You may think I chose this song because of the sense of impending doom a lot of people are feeling lately, and the Final Countdown really encapsulates that. I actually chose it because it’s about a dude going to space, and Elon Musk and SpaceX is a thing that happened this year. That being said, I suppose it works for the impending doom feeling as well.

The Internet Song(

I was asked to include this song. I can’t not do it now.

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