Pandemic Playlist

2020 is the fire and Earth is the dance floor. Somebody call 911

More fire

How life has been stuck at home.

Topical song with what’s been happening.

This one requires some context. This song is originally from Unus Annus which is a channel that was made to be deleted after one year. Ironically enough, today is the day and they are currently streaming until the inevitable end of the channel. Anyway, their channel was an amazing project and concept over the past year. Also, don’t try 2020 at home. This is a disclaimer.

This song blew up and is such a meme and that’s all I’ll say. I personally am not the biggest fan, but I had to include it.

These two songs are from video game soundtracks of my two favorite games. They both have some jazzy elements, the bottom one being a blatant jazz cover, but I have just been really enjoying these two songs along with many others.

This is the first song that I have used for background music on YouTube. I built a computer this year, and as a hobby I have been doing YouTube, and this song is just one of the songs I have been using as background music.

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