Sick Songs

Think this one is pretty self-explanatory. It’s how the past few months have felt. The whole year really.

In regards to all the social movements and change being fought for this year.

A song about being safe inside while the world outside is crazy. Pretty much captures the peak of the pandemic.

We’ve all had some bad days in quarantine, another self-explanatory one.

We’re supposed to stay inside, also references missing friends and the outside, which is a mood. A good one for the quarantine blues.

Just sort of felt right to add while death is such a prominent thing during the pandemic. It also mentions sticking together which works with the family dynamic many people need to get by.

Our homes all feel like little islands and we’re sending out SOS’s through virtual means. It’s also just a really good song.

We aren’t supposed to go outside and a bunch of T.V has been scary during the pandemic. Just sort of captured the darker aspect of daily quarantine.

Song made during the pandemic, really just captures a large group’s mindset during the current day.

We’re all struggling and having to live mostly on the hope this will all be over soon. Again, just a really good song.


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