Stephen Gracia and Michael LoPorto Guest Blog

        Today’s guests, playwright Stephen Gracia and director Michael LoPorto, brought with them the interesting topic of theater and plays. They both shared a great sense of humor and gave valuable insight on what art truly is. Stephen described how it is easier to create influential art when you are not restricted by monetary goals. Their source of money was not from the plays that they produce, so this allowed them to take more time experimenting and perfecting their work. Another idea that I enjoyed and took away from this was how Stephen described that the best part of what he does is handing off his work to others. He described that it could sometimes be dreary working on poetry or theater by yourself, so seeing what others can bring to the table is a breath of fresh air. This distribution between others is also what they defined capital “A” art as. As they explained their transition into more video and remote formats, there was always a sense of collaboration that I enjoyed seeing. Another thing that I felt was important was how we were able to view their work beforehand. By watching the two plays that were sent to us, I was able to have some background knowledge and have something to base my ideas off of. Both last week and this week, the two genres of art that were displayed by the guests really fit the theme of theater and gave me new insight. Both Stephen and Michael were unique people that were able to express the theme of art in new ways through their own experiences. As I meet more guests, my experience with art is becoming much more well-rounded.

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