Meeting Stephen Gracia and Michael LoPorto

This week’s guests were Stephen Gracia, a playwright, and Michael LoPorto, a director. It was nice to meet them because I feel like playwrights and directors are forgotten about in the mainstream as people tend to pay more attention to the actors. What was very different with these guest artists from our previous ones was that they did not depend on their art for financial needs and did most of their art for the joy of it. That altered their experience with art as they mentioned that when they were getting paid to do work they had to keep in mind the opinions of the people supporting their production instead of just their own. With the art that they were doing unpaid, they were able to be more creative and do whatever they wanted. It was also interesting to hear about how Gracia wanted to give his work to others as soon as possible as it reminded me of Geoffrey Doig-Marx. While I got to hear about their experience in the art field I was also introduced to some of their work. I thought their work was great as the stories drew you in, and the directing made them come to life as it fit so well with the writing. Additionally, I liked the small debate at the end of class about what is and isn’t art. Personally, I think that anything is art as long as you express yourself but, for it to be Art you have to share it.  Meeting these guests introduced me to art forms I wasn’t that interested in before, but I definitely am now. I will make sure to pay more attention to the name of the playwright and director the next time I watch a play.

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