Guests: Stephen and Michael

Stephen and Michael were great guest speakers. I’ve been saying this for the past two weeks, but only because it’s true. This time was interesting because we were given two different opinions on the same questions from people in two different aspects of the art of theatre. They both answered the same question we ask every guest, how business and art intersect. Their answers were similar in that they both realized that, as artists in theatre, their plays would be written and directed to be performed for an audience. However, Michael mentioned that business should not interfere with the art. He discussed how sometimes the person or people paying for the production “suggest” the use of certain actors or use of special direction. He said that he often declines because the money and business is not worth sacrificing the quality of the art. The two also provided their controversial opinions on what is considered Art. Stephen believed that art is Art once it is given an audience, like a play. On the other hand, Michael said that art is Art from the moment it is made, regardless of who sees it, if anyone. I think that hearing both of their views in contrast with each other provided a deeper level of thinking about each of these questions.

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