Our Guests Stephen Gracia and Michael LoPorto

If I am being honest, I have a soft spot for theatre and plays. I feel something magical when I watch a play or a musical, which is a feeling that I don’t get when I watch an on-screen movie. Listening to Michael and Stephen talk about theatre helped to prove my love for theatre even further. I loved their discussion on how theatre is so versatile in the sense that every night you can have a different play due to mistakes or just human behavioral changes. To me, that is what I love about theatre because you truly never see the same play twice because things can change so easily. I also liked Michael and Stephen’s discussion on art and how some art should be viewed by the world and other pieces may not. Michael believed that art is something that you create and if need be, can be shown to the public while Stephen believed that art is not necessarily just about what you create and it does not always need to be shared with the world. I personally agree more with Stephen because there are things that are created by people in artistic ways, such as sip and paint paintings or macaroni necklaces, that is not art. When someone does a sip and paint night, it can be creative, but to me, it is not art because, at the basic level, the painting is pretty much the same. I also don’t think that every piece of art created has to be shared with the world, because I have many paintings, cards, and drawings that I have never shown to even the people closest to me because I personally don’t think it is worth showing. Overall, Stephen and Michael opened up an interesting conversation about art and how it’s perceived in both the theatre world and other art worlds as well.

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