Thoughts on Jaedon Alvira

Jaedon was an excellent guest. It is always nice to listen to and see someone’s art before hearing about their story and background. It was interesting that he started his work as a musician at a very young age, playing the alto saxophone. He said he tried the tenor in 4th grade, and he would later have a bet against his teacher. If he got into LaGuardia, the teacher would give him a tenor saxophone for only $100. I love stories of teachers who motivate their students and help them to grow, and I am sure Jaedon is still grateful for this teacher. He said he had a supportive father but an unsupportive mother who wanted him to be a doctor, but he clearly overcame this difficulty. He now believes he gets to live the dream of doing what he wants to do every day, which I think is truly amazing. I was also interested in his statements about actually playing music, such as explaining that bringing the energy for a live performance is drastically different from trying to be perfectly accurate for a studio recording. The final statement that I enjoyed was when he said to always bring 100% of your A game, no matter what happens. I see this as something to live by, and I am grateful we got to meet and speak with Jaedon.

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