Protest Art in Hong Kong

Since last year, there have been major protests raging in Hong Kong, fighting for freedom from the overpowering tyranny of mainland China. These protests have always stuck a chord with me as highly significant for our generation and the world as a whole, and I feel that the mainstream media has been essentially ignoring them. The protests have led to intense police brutality, and it is important that the world stands with Hong Kong against China. Unfortunately, many countries and corporations are scared to anger China because of the economic foothold they have on the world, which I find to be disastrous, depressing, and angering. This picture indicates a few important things. First, you can see the massive scale of the protests. Second, you can see the art of the flag: “Free Hong Kong Revolution Now.” This is a modern revolution for freedom, and Hong Kong needs more international support. Lastly, the Guy Fawkes mask indicates the need for anonymity when dealing with a tyrannical country willing to achieve its goals and maintain its power by any means, including brutality and murder. Free Hong Kong.

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