Final Guest: Gina Simone Pemberton

Our final guest for this class was the one and only Gina Simone Pemberton. Ms. Pemberton moved to New York from the West Indies at a young age. She was inspired by her father, a performer, to pursue the Arts and wished that she would be able to perform alongside him. Unfortunately, her father passed away when she was a child, but nevertheless she ended up pursuing the Arts with a little push from her teacher to apply to LaGuardia. Ms. Pemberton also highlighted that making money was not the reason that she was pursuing this passion of hers, otherwise she would have stopped a long time ago. Additionally, like many of our other guests, she does not believe that money sullies art — rather she believes that if one has a god given talent and puts a lot of time and energy into a role to pursue this dream/talent, then making money should not overshadow the hard work and effort done.  It was also great to hear about how she reflects on the characters and roles she embodies and tries to channel her inner experiences to emulate the best form of the character that she can. All in all, meeting Ms. Pemberton was inciteful and motivating because she gave us a one last reminder that many of our previous guests also emphasized – anything that we wish to pursue is possible, it just takes great work and dedication.

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