Gina Simone Pemberton

For our final guest speaker, I feel that Gina Simone Pemberton was another excellent addition to the repertoire of guest speakers we have had throughout this semester. One thing I really enjoyed about this discussion was the discussions about the acting industry as a whole. I feel like when we discuss art, the conversation always becomes more interesting when we begin discussing the industry that the art is a part of. I feel like talking about the “behind the scenes” if you will of art can be just as interesting as the art itself, if not more so. Personally, I felt like an extremely interesting aspect of the discussion was definitely the impact of Covid-19 on the industry as a whole. I feel like that is always something super interesting to discuss: How artists have been adapting to the current situation. I feel like these discussions are always some of the most interesting ones we have. I also liked how we discussed acting. None of the other art forms we have discussed have been quite like acting. Acting really is interesting compared to other art forms. It involves a really unique performance, and there really is a huge personal aspect to it as you really have to become someone else, which is just super fascinating to consider. I also really liked the discussion about how we know when something is art. I really liked Gina’s answer of you sort of just know. Honestly, that is the answer I have agreed with the most so far. Overall, I feel like Gina was another fine addition to our seminar guests.

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