Gina Simone Blog

Gina Simone was a fantastic guest to have for our seminar class and was very entertaining. We found something interesting about her that I certainly didn’t expect: She didn’t like talking on zoom calls! I found it so confusing because I would assume that an actress always loves talking to people in any way shape or form to express herself. But clearly, I was jumping the gun. However, when she does do her job on stage, she does it gracefully like in the videos i have searched up about her. Also, her unique method of trying to be the character she has to play somehow got me more intrigued than before. I was very curious about what she had to say because she was conducting a method of acting I have never seen or heard before. Something I found relatable was when she mentioned she was leaving zoom calls because it “didn’t seem right”, ultimately making her demotivated. I can relate to her in this way because I tried to be as proactive as possible and learn something new but I always found myself sitting on my chair or laying down on my bed. Overall, Gina was a great speaker to have during class, and I was very glad to meet her on zoom and see how she really is like.

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