Geoffrey Doig-Marx Guest Blog

        During today’s class, we met a unique painter and choreographer named Geoffrey Doig-Marx. Throughout the Zoom call, I began to better understand what it truly means to defy societal norms and make a name for yourself in the world of art. Geoffrey explained that when he was young, he was always interested in dance even though it went against what society and his family wanted him to do. However, he knew that it was his calling and decided to pursue it no matter what the consequences were. The words that kept resonating with me was when he told us “don’t let others tell you that you can’t succeed. Do what you were born to do.” I feel like this could be compared to many of the other guest artists that we have met. Many had experienced setbacks and opposition, but stuck with what they loved doing. Next, I enjoyed how Geoffrey explained his journey as a painter, which was a little later into his career. He believes that artists should be compensated for their work and creativity, and it is up to them to decide how much their work and time is truly worth. I liked how he explained that they are not just simply buying your work, but also admiring it and displaying it in their own home. Furthermore, another interesting point brought up during the conversation was when Geoffrey explained how he had to give up on a work of art at one point in his life. This illustrated that as an artist and a person, you have to understand your limits and not push yourself too hard. Being realistic also allows you to be more creative. Finally, Geoffrey’s experiences with dance showed how art can allow you to expand your horizons and meet people that can help you further your career. Overall, I admired the determination that Geoffrey resonated, and felt that meeting him was a valuable experience.

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